Friday, March 1, 2013

Magic Mike and watching crotch

Friday, March 1, 2013 0
Happy Friday everyone! I kept thinking yesterday was Friday, so this week is seeming extra long to me.

To break up the general blahness of the day, almost everyone in the office spent a few minutes watching Harlem shake videos on YouTube.

After that though, P started watching a short clip from Magic Mike when Big Head 2 appeared in the doorway like a freaking ninja. It wasn't an inappropriate scene (and by that I mean it was actually a fully clothed dance scene), but when she hit pause it, of course, filled the screen with Channing's crotch. I almost burst out laughing, but managed to leave her office first. Was it hilarious? Yes. It absolutely was. I'll leave you with the resulting IM coversation between P, S and myself.
2 1:26 PM
3 1:26 PM
1 1:26 PM
um hi. that was a nice conversation to get out of
2 1:26 PM
Ok. Do you realize that when he walked in
1 1:26 PM
WTF why me?
2 1:26 PM
you actually said
1 1:27 PM
3 1:27 PM
2 1:27 PM
"Yeah. Magic Mike and watching crotch"
3 1:27 PM
that’s what i heard as he was walking in 
1 1:27 PM
i was like OMG
2 1:27 PM
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