Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm running on empty, and about to crash.

Monday, September 13, 2010
I am running on 3 hours sleep. I'm so tired, I couldn't even eat all my lunch (I just ran out of steam to lift fork to mouth midway through). My desk looks like a paper-wars crime scene. I have to work late, and I'm living in fear of the return of the stress related eye twitch.

Just as I'm about to vent to P, I get called out to pick up a package.

For me?

Someone sent me flowers! Accompanying this lovely bouquet was a lovely note thanking me for all my help throughout a (much too) long process.

Vent session postponed until tomorrow :)

I hope all of you had great days :) Have an amazing night everyone!



The flowers are beautiful! Sorry you are so exhausted/stressed, and hope it goes away soon!

for the love of pictures

Hey ____j :)

I hope it does as well. I'm looking forward to November and December when most films take a little hiatus. Maybe things will slow down a bit then :)

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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