My sisters gave my Hubby and I these two little stress reducer voodoo dolls, along with a kick-ass card, for our 1 year wedding anniversary. They are too wonderful :) I can't believe that my darling Hubby and I have been married for over a year! Time truly does fly. I love him so much, I seriously doesn't feel like it's been a year!
It was too cute opening the package from my sisters and seeing two carefully wrapped packages that contained these two beauties. Hubby and I quickly chose the one we each wanted. Claw hand for him (he likes the cap) and pure stealth ninja (with a its awesome tiny sword) for me. With my job, I knew that anything saying "control your frustrations with idiots" was for me :)
Last week was horrible...another co-worker opted not to come back after over 6 years working here. It's crazy. I need my stress relief ninja more than ever. I actually burst out laughing in my boss' face on Thursday; and I mean tears streaming down my face, bent over in my chair, extra loud laughing for about 3 full minutes. I couldn't help it - I mean I literally couldn't hold the laughter in. While explaining that the previously mentioned co-worker would "not be returning", Big Head #2 had the gall to say that everything would be okay because he would pitch in and help out with the workload as he has done before. I'm not even sure if he finished his sentence as the laughter just exploded out of me and everyone turned to watch me try to get control of myself. The thought of Big Head #2 actually doing work was just too funny. Help out, my ass.
The laughter felt great though.
I can't believe it's almost Turkey Day already! I know that I will be contributing delicious baked mac and cheese to the family meals and both my parents and Hubby's parents. We are going to eat so much and fill our tupperware containers with tons-o-leftovers to take home. Thanksgiving is good :).
Then the day after...Black Friday madness. I don't take the whole thing as seriously as some people. No early morning waiting for me. I don't remember if I went out last year, but I usually head out at a normal shopping time and pick up a few things here and there. I prefer Cyber Monday shopping for bigger things - shipped right to my door is the kind of convenience I'm talking about. I was making a list of things to bring with me when going out on Black Friday yesterday (bottle of water, hand sanitizer, lists, etc.), and after skimming it, Hubby asked if I was making a Zombie Apocalypse preparedness kit (yes, "Walking Dead" was on yesterday). It really got me thinking about how similar the two lists would be.
So, (1) are you taking part in Black Friday madness this year? and more importantly (2) what would be in your zombie apocalypse preparedness kit?
Have an awesome day everyone!
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