Sunday, June 9, 2013

Turns out makeshift balloon pits in offices are ridiculous amount of fun.

Sunday, June 9, 2013 0
Co-worker C' s birthday was this weekend so, when she was out of the office on Friday, almost everyone pitched in to leave a surprise for her to find tomorrow morning :)

It all started out as a joke with us saying 'let's decorate with a few birthday balloons'...

and ended 15 packs of balloons later! 

She is going to freak out! I don't even know how she's going to get to her desk :)

The bad thing is that she starts work about an hour and a half before me so I can already see her moving them into my office. I took the precautionary measure of telling P that if C tries to do that and she doesn't stop her, the balloons will all be in her office (with her inside) minutes after I find them. She laughed, but I was serious.

I honestly hope C doesn't get too mad, and is able to take it as the fun birthday gesture it's intended to be. We'll see tomorrow. I think I'll hear her screaming long before I even get there :)

Either way, Happy Birthday C!

I'm off to a lovely Sunday wedding for an even more lovely couple. Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Beam me up, Scotty.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 0
Fresh off of seeing Star Trek Into Darkness (excellent movie, btw), I went to an appointment in this fancy-smancy building. I turned the corner and was instantly on The Enterprise :) A part of me wanted to do something Star Trekkie...but, alas, the time was not right.

That, and the strangers around me didn't look like the joking around type. Oh well. Rest assured that the kid in me played out a running with phasers scene in my head :)

Spend a few fun minutes watching Jeremy Jahns discuss the movie here. The hubby got me started watching him, and I admit, he's pretty spot on.

Saw this quote at work the other day...

Galileo might have changed his tune had he ever met Big Head 2.

Have a wonderful rest of the week everyone.
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