Apparently someone had a problem that no one else could help with so they went out and found...
(how much did I love that show when I was a kid - and Knightrider :)

And now begins the countdown to Wolverine! Is it 5:30 yet?
Enjoy the rest of the day everyone :)
Is Wolverine the movie where Hugh Jackman is in Australia making goo-goo eyes at Nicole Kidman?
Is Wolverine the movie where Hugh Jackman is in Australia making goo-goo eyes at Nicole Kidman?
Happy Friday Thomas :)
No "Wolverine" is the one that's looking to be 60% slash-slash Wolverine claw goodness, and 40% explosions, with a pinch of Gambit-y goodness for all us fans who've been waiting too long. I believe you must be think of the Baz Luhrmann extravaganza "Australia" (which I have yet to see but will once it rolls up on my Netflix queue) :)
I'm counting down to Wolverine as well.
Yea Kimberly! My man is buying our tickets in advance. Almost all of the evening shows at the closest theater are already sold out. Have fun and let me know what you think of it :)
Ooh, how'd you like Wolverine, I'd like to watch that one too, if only to stare at Hugh Jackman. And I used to watch Knightrider and the A-team too. I loved Mr. T...him and his chains. :P
I loved it Moonjava :) I would definitely recommend seeing it - I may even go see it again real soon.
Yeah, Mr. T's chains, and how they used to knock him out everytime they wanted to get him on a plane. Haha :)
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