Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The hundred-and-twelfth day...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Well, today was Shea's birthday :) Shea is P and L's favorite stuffed animal - yeah, you read that right. They went around Facebook telling everyone that today was his birthday, and asking everyone what they were getting him as a gift. I decided to give the gift of friendship - so sweet, I know :) So, before I left work for the night, I made a cute little birthday sign and had P and my work mascots hold it up for their friend.

Happy Birthday Shea!

Gift giving done :) You can't put a price on stuffed animal friendship!

I was discussing Sesame Street with Sis 1 tonight - actually we were discussing the 'chong chong' sound that can be heard on all the Law & Order shows (it was a pretty hilarious conversation), and we remembered the following old Sesame Street skit. Whether you've seen it before, or you're seeing it for the first time...enjoy :)

Have a great night everyone!



Seasame Street used to freak me out like whoa... Elmo was the only one I liked haha!

for the love of pictures

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for the love of pictures

Hey Jeanette :) I loved Big Bird, and how he was always turning 4 (I think, haha).

Have a great day!

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