Monday, April 20, 2009

The twenty-sixth day...It's Raining, It's Pouring

Monday, April 20, 2009
Well, it's another dreary and rainy day in the neighborhood. When I was leaving work the rain was blowing sideways. My jeans were completely soaked before I had even gone two blocks. At least my umbrella didn't flip inside out like one of the guys who was walking in front of me. Needless to say, it was a long, wet journey home, made even longer by the fact that everyone on the train was wet and uncomfortable.

Mother Nature, I know that all the gorgeous May flowers need all these drenching April showers; but, quite honestly, May's flowers bring bees and I hate bees so, could April choose to shower a little less please? Thanks in advance.

Enjoy the rest of the night everyone :)


for the love of pictures

Me too. I'm just glad that they weren't a particularly heavy pair of jeans, so it wasn't as uncomfortable as it could have been.


And it's supposed to rain today and tommorow too...: (

for the love of pictures

I know :( I need a break from the rain. Say a week?


Know how you feel, it's looking like it's going to rain again here! :( There's no use to the umbrella when the rain's going horizontal. Ironic isn't it!?

for the love of pictures

Yep. It looks like I won't be going out for lunch, and then I'll be running home at the end of the day. I think the heaviest rain is supposed to come during the evening rush hour - of course.

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