As always the weekend has flown by too quickly - at least next weekend will be a long holiday weekend. My office has Friday off and I took Thursday off so I cannot wait for the long weekend. Let me say it one more time :) Long weekend :) Yea!
J. Crew changed it's window display again - bottles this time.
I have to say, that ice-cream one that they had a couple months back was still the best display.
Well, I'm off to bed. Have a great rest of the night everyone!
Since hubs got laid off its been like a constant non stop long weekend.. I want a short weekend..LOL I hurt my back last night some how so I've done literally NOTHING today. the kids have done everything for me..
My wife and I enjoy watching "True Blood", too. Except I can't help but make fun of the way Bill says Sookies name.
Sookie. Sookie. Cookie nookie bookie sookie.
I can't help it.
Hey Aimee :)Aww, sorry about your back, but at least your kids have been helping you out. Are you feeling any better?
Hey Badass :) He does put quite a bit of emphasis into her name :) Now, I'm going to keep my ears open for him to say 'Sookie Cookie' one day :)
Have a great Monday!
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